Did you know that “National Cuddle Up Day” is a thing? In honor of this adorable-sounding day, 7 A.M.Enfant, a New York-based designer of versatile baby outerwear and accessories, will be donating hundreds of winter apparel items to low-income families who are in need of warm baby clothes this winter season.
Because it is crucial to keep babies warm during the cold winter months, 7 A.M. Enfant is making this donation to remind New York families to ‘cuddle up’ and keep their babies warm this winter. These items will be donated to Room to Grow, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of babies born into poverty throughout their critical first three years of development. Parents are referred to Room to Grow by a network of prenatal programs assisting low-income families. Upon their referral, families visit Room to Grow’s warm and inviting space once every three months from just before the birth of the baby until their child turns three.
Through this partnership, the organizations are working together to ensure all New York babies are kept warm and safe throughout the winter.
For more information about 7 A.M., please visit www.7amenfant.com.