D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

Not everyone goes away during February break. Our family was in stay local camp and it actually ended up being a great week of exploring Westchester, which included a visit to the new D.I.Y. Slime shop.

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

Located in Larchmont, this one-stop slime shop was the perfect way for my girls to explore and create.  My girls love slime and have been making it for the past three years or so. But it’s messy and can get gross and all over things (which it has!), so I was thrilled to discover a place that included all of the supplies and fun add-ins (think glitter and skulls, beads, charms, and sequins) to enhance their gooey creations.

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

A walk-in only place, the slime shop was packed with kids of all ages who were happily making slime. After looking through the space, we got seated around 10 minutes later and went through their menu of slime-making options. This includes 40 different types of slime like classic slime, clear slime, cloud slime, fluffy slime, to name a few options and over 100 add-ins.

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

My girls opted to make fluffy slime, along with some sparkly star add-ins. They were then given glue by the team at D.I.Y. Slime and instructed to pour it in, along with their color of choice and the activator. They quickly got to work, mixing and creating their slimes. When it was a good consistency, the team at D.I.Y. Slime added in the shaving cream and sparkles and my girls continued to mix.

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

I loved that they had everything on-hand and were given the proper measurements and tools for creating their slimes. At home, this was something of a free-for-all experiment that often left glue and shaving cream all over the place. Such was the sentiment of the founders, who, according to their site, “was started by two local moms who were tired of scraping dried glue off of their kitchen tables.” After the slime was the perfect consistency, they were given cartons to take their new creations home.

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

D.I.Y Slime is the Ultimate One-Stop Shop for Slime-Making in Westchester

Finished in under an hour, the girls loved making and playing with their slimes and talked about the other slimes they wanted to make during our next visit.  A perfect way to create without having to deal the mess, D.I.Y. Slime will have kids beaming at their creations, and might even soften parents up to love slime, too.

Get there:

D.I.Y. Slime
2A East Avenue
Larchmont, NY 10538
For more info, visit: https://www.diyslimeshopny.com/


Make the most out of your weekend!

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