“The most important place for women to look is at our calendars. Have you scheduled time for your self care? Time to work on your goals? Or are you too busy with commitments that you’ve made for others?,” says Andrea Isabelle Lucas founder and CEO of Barre & Soul . Andrea recently wrote the new book Own It All, a powerful how-to-guide for women who are ready to ditch procrastination and paralyzing self-doubt, live in true self-confidence, claim heartfelt goals and dreams and make that ish happen! Read on to learn more about how this mama created a multi-million-dollar, national barre and yoga studio chain with one mindset shift that created a massive snowball effect, propelling her to a dream life.
Get to Know Andrea Isabelle Lucas, Author of Own It All
Weekend Jaunts: How did the idea for Own it All come about?
Andrea Isabelle Lucas: I wrote my book, Own It All, in the hopes of inspiring other women to step into their power NOW, and stop waiting for permission (or until they reach rock bottom) to begin creating the change they envision in their lives or in the world.
It’s part memoir, part manifesto and part workbook so that you can begin taking action steps to creating the life of your dreams today. If you have the sense that you’re not yet expressing your full potential, this book is for you!
Weekend Jaunts: What are some ways for women to “Own in All” in our modern/busy lives?
Andrea Isabelle Lucas: One of the strategies in my book, which may seem a little counter-intuitive, is figuring out how to do the “bare minimum.” If you look at the various things in your life that require your attention, you can decide what is the minimum amount of time/effort you’re willing to spend to check that box. For example, in the areas of fitness, veggie intake, and sleep, you might say something like, “I insist on getting to at least 1 yoga and 1 spin class a week, eating at least one salad 4 days a week, and sleeping for no less than 6 hours a night.” Now, your ideal situation may be something loftier, but starting with the bare minimum allows you to set attainable goals and release perfectionism.
Weekend Jaunts: What are some shifts women can do everyday to create these shifts to change our lives?
Andrea Isabelle Lucas: The most important place for women to look is at our calendars. Have you scheduled time for your self care? Time to work on your goals? Or are you too busy with commitments that you’ve made for others? What activities are draining you that you could delegate, outsource, or just stop doing altogether? What are some activities you could schedule that would more authentically express your own unique passions, values and talents? Remember, it’s not about perfectionism, just find someplace to start, no matter how small a change it might be at first.
Weekend Jaunts: Tell us more about some of the women you interviewed?
Andrea Isabelle Lucas: In addition to sharing my own story about overcoming domestic violence, poverty and teen motherhood to build a multi-million dollar business, I wanted to share some other diverse perspectives so that each reader could find something relatable within my book. I’ve pulled in experts on all sorts of topics from body love, to style to time management, and from all walks of life, like an 84- year old fitness guru, a young undocumented immigrant, a leader in the Women’s March movement, and more, to share their wisdom with readers. Having this array of voices only makes the book’s message that much more powerful.
Weekend Jaunts: What does being a “badass in yoga pants” mean to you?
Andrea Isabelle Lucas: Ha! Great question. It means working hard for the things you’re passionate about, while maintaining a sense of playfulness and space for self-care. Let yourself have FUN with your hustle, rather than letting it own you.
Weekend Jaunts: Anything else to add?
Andrea Isabelle Lucas: My mantra is, “Take the biggest risk you can stomach for today.” Today’s small, scary step may not look super impressive or sexy at the beginning. But every baby step really adds up. You will sometimes fail, but each time you do succeed, you’ll grow a little braver and more confident. As you do that, your confidence will naturally improve, and you’ll begin to feel comfortable taking on bigger and bigger things. For a few free resources, like a barre workout led by me and an inspiring meditation on your future, visit https://andreaisabellelucas.com/bonus.